Stanley Jacobs
Cape Flats: Undercover offers a clear picture about life on the Cape
Flats – a world unknown to many of us. A world of warm people,
gangsters, trafficking and fear. Innocent young girls are kidnapped
and there are gangs on each street corner. Stanley Jacobs writes
with authority about these topics as he is a community leader and
blogger who lives on the Cape Flats – been there, seen that. He is
passionate about telling stories of his people.
Jacobs has an interesting way of writing his text in English but
there are many conversations in Kaaps-Afrikaans – something
you quickly get used to if you are Afrikaans-speaking yourself. He
follows one of the golden rules of writing: writing like people talk.
No frills and pretentiousness. This makes the read enjoyable.
Although this is a crime fiction book (unlike his first book,
titled Cape Flats Love Affair, which had me in stitches), Cape Flats:
Undercover also reflects the author’s witty sense of humour. I
simply love the dialogue. Although fictional, the background is very
real. Many gangsters indeed do become pastors.
The twist in the story is that two good detectives become
intimately involved with the underworld in more than one way. All
in a day’s work. But let us not give in to spoilers. It is of utmost
importance that more awareness of what is really happening on the
Cape Flats is encouraged among people of other cultures in South
Africa, as many live in bubbles. This is something that the author
understands. – Carla van der Spuy


Sir Lomie
“A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.” 30 years ago, the late Aunty Narriman Sakier Joseph, started making 5 Rotis daily, where she would walk from Lentegeur to Town Centre and sell it to the hawkers. This was her daily routine. No, it was not just ordinary Rotis, I want to say it was more of a traditional roti. Aunty Narriman grew up in District Six and She would always watch Her father prepare Malaysian dishes.